Friday, February 26, 2010

Crazy and dangerous media

English Media in India can be called at best irresponsible and at worst traitorous and seditious. Firstly, some of the well known media channels and newspapers are totally corrupt and have lost all the journalistic ethics. They are available for sale by the highest bidder. Some of the news media do it so openly and shamelessly and there is absolutely no one to question this. The general public who are ignorant as always actually believe what is given in the newspapers are true.
Although most of the articles given in the newspapers are "true" , it is untrue when you consider it in a broader context. What this means is that although the facts given in the article may be true it is definitely not presented in the proper manner and is designed to confuse the reader and give false information. This can be done in two ways.
The first way is to sensationalize even the simplest of problems and to oversimplify complex problems and convert it into a one minute sound byte.
The second way is to scare the people by constantly creating fear and by telling that danger is everywhere.

One needs to only read Times of India carefully in order to understand what I am talking about

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